Artek, a renowned name in the world of design, is synonymous with timeless Scandinavian aesthetics and unparalleled craftsmanship. Founded in 1935 by four young idealists–Alvar and Aino Aalto, Marie Gullichsen, and Nils-Gustav Hahl–Artek aimed to promote modern living through a seamless blend of art, technology, and design. The name Artek itself is a testament to this vision, combining the words 'art' and 'technology'. The brand's commitment to sustainable practices and high-quality materials ensures each piece is not only aesthetically pleasing but also built to last. Featuring iconic designs such as Alvar Aalto's Stool 60 and the Paimio Chair, Artek's collection has become a symbol of modernist design worldwide. Lekker Home is proud to be one of only a few Artek showrooms in New England.

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